Giulia Ciampini Photography

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Mother & Child Sessions

Often, as a mother, you are the one documenting your child’s life - holding on to moments and creating memories for your family to look back on. The problem with being behind the camera or phone is that you and your relationship with you child is not captured. When your children look at your photos, will they see you? Will they understand your connection?
That mother-child bond is unlike any other and will change overtime. It is special and worthy of documentation.

I love mother and child sessions for many reasons but one is simply the energy tends to be freer.
These sessions are a chance to get dressed up with your little one and document a play date.
My ideal sessions feel magical - they are filled with gorgeous golden light. It’s just you in the moment and playing and exploring in beautiful natural spot with your child.
No poses. No pretense. Just authentic in the moment connection. I’ll do the treasure hunting.

Why Mother & Child Sessions Now?

I miss my niece, Eva. She is inquisitive, intelligent and goofy. She has long wild dark hair and a quick mischievous smile. Fiercely stubborn and bursting with life.
She sometimes reminds me of me, only marginally smaller. And I miss her.

In 2 weeks, she will turn 3 years old and will be also getting a new baby sister. I will have 2 nieces. We’ll be a pack.
Also, in 3 weeks, I will have not seen Eva in person for 8 months (part COVID, part me moving to British Columbia for work).

I really miss her.

Before she was born, I created a long list of things we’d do together; she’d be my favorite little adventure buddy.
We’d go to the farm and she could hold a baby rabbit, I’d take her a long hike in the forest, I could teach her how to pitch a tent and we could go camping in the backyard (with Meatball). I’d document it all so she could look back and understand how deeply she was loved (I equate photographs with love - it is a deeply attentive act and silently says you matter).

But I can’t. And all this love has to go somewhere.

So, mother & children photography session - with extra love.
I can’t document my own love but it can come out as document yours, lol.

Covid has been strange and challenging but we can make some of it more beautiful.

Thank you Ashley Damouni and Alia <3